Thursday, June 8, 2017

Tip your limo drivers!

Been pondering about humanity quite a bit these days. How could I not? In this political climate, it's hard not to. I've come to the conclusion that we seem to be our differences first, then maybe when faced with a collective crisis, we become humane.

While channel surfing on my way to LAX yesterday, I landed on "The Dennis Prager Show."
The timbre of his voice was kind, reassuring, wise and the opposite of grating to the ear. He was urging Republicans who do "kind acts", such as paying (specifically, tipping) a non-white (read, Mexican) for mowing their lawn or cleaning their home to say to the individual during the exchange of funds for services rendered: "I'm a Republican, by the way." He went as far as sharing his own benevolence as a Republican. Apparently, his employer, FOX, sends him limos to drive him to and fro engagements in New York City. Gratuity is included, he knows this, but he still tips the chauffeur! 

WOW D.P Really?! I drove with my mouth agape for awhile.  Let me dissect that bit of guidance to Republicans. Am I to understand that those who lean left are presumed to be charitable and that the time has come for those who lean right, who do charitable acts, to gloat about said acts in order to dispel the myth that only those on the left care about others? Color me #speechless